The thermometer kept climbing, one point at a time, until I got my number: 101.4. I am officially out of commission and I'm really not sure how long it'll be like this.
I'm been feeling like crap for the past week, but I have also been self-treating with water, sleep, nyquill (helps with the sleep too) and ibuprofen. This arsenal has been my defense for years, all through college and beyond. I was even starting to feel better this weekend.
Then Monday came around. Between an anatomy lab snaffoo - the schedule said 3p lab, but it started at 2p! - the looming online quizzes this week, and the inevitability of an oral quiz during lab, I was beyond stressed out. Everybody kept telling me I looked ragged, I couldn't concentrate, and I again felt absolutely awful. I was convinced I only had a cold, and that my temperature spikes were related to the anxiety, so I pushed on, still self-medicating and doing my best to get my fluids and my sleep. My mom - a wonderful nurse - taught me those two cardinal rules.
Instead of waking up early for class on Tuesday, I slept in and went to study in the library. I drank 5 gatorade bottles of water at least, and peed almost on the hour. I was beating my "cold" - which now had mild lymph node swelling, feeling warm, and mucus running down my throat - and by the end of the day I felt quite well.
Today I felt worse than ever. My "nodes" were huge, and it burned like fire when I swallowed. During anatomy lab, we finally got oral quizzed, and I did okay. But about 2 hours into lab I was fading fast. I felt sicker and sicker, and since Megan told me during lab about people who were getting strep I was convinced that I had it. I left lab early to go to student health.
The people there were pleasant, and although the whole ordeal took hours, I walked out having received a thorough physical exam, lab tests for strep and mono (both negative), penicillin...just in case...and a bill for $10. Good thing I paid an arm and a leg for Student Health's preferred insrance.
So I'm sick. For real sick. I feel like I should study, but can't concentrate due to my ears ringing. I feel like I should sleep, but I'm not sleepy. So, I'm chilling out on the couch which a box of Wheat Thins and water bottle #3, or #4, since I got home 3 hours ago. I'm watching Family Guy DVDs, and almost having a good time being sick.
Anyway, I should wrap this up and...get back to my tv and wheat thins I guess. More postings later.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
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I'm sorry it took you being sick to blog. Hope you are feeling better soon. Enjoy your rest if you can.
Hi Mark - get well soon - how about some cinnamon along with all those liquids.
Is it true that during med school students get sick more from reading about diseases and naming off pharmaceuticals (sp) on videos?
Really - hope you are better soon.
U ron
Get better!! Anatomy wasn't the same without you!
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