Tuesday, April 10, 2007

On the Horizon: MicroPractices

The good Doctor (Charles) says it best.....Click me!

The idea is that doctors use technology and unique business models to keep their costs super-low. This allows them to see fewer people per days -----thus see people for longer than, say, 10 minutes per visit.

A round of emails passed through the med school a couple months ago. Its very interesting stuff for most docs who - just like their patients - are really frustrated with the current doctor-patient relationship.

An article in USAToday...
and one in the Wall Street Journal (via DrCharles)....

This is something that makes me excited about medicine in my time. Yeah, yeah healthcare is broken and it'll only be worse in "my day". But unique and innovative approaches are going to turn medicine on its face, and maybe even "fix" healthcare in the process.

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