Sunday, March 08, 2009

Plan of Action

The blogger button is looming over me. I know, I know! I haven't posted in a while, and certainly haven't thrown anything substantial into the cloud in quite some time.

I was touched by a muse lately though, and thought of a number of daily, meaningless topics that I could discuss. I texted them to my email (that will be another topic I'll discuss) so I could remember them. They are listed below:

Post it pref
anti consum to purchase obsession
vocab wedge
mobile phone lust
the trial (jr high tragedy)
word origin
old report card

If you can understand anything I have just listed, more power to you...but likely this list is indecipherable. That's ok. Maybe it will pique your curiosty, and definitely it will serve as a contract to force me to write about each topic. After all, I have billions of potential viewers (ok, more like maybe 10 family members) to keep me honest.

Isn't this exciting?!

P.S. I should also give a Euclid update, and a super-secret surprise update*

*does not involve eloping, babies, or anything that earth-shattering...I'm just playing up the anticipation.


Unknown said...

What is the super secret surprise? Am I in on the secret? Does it involve next week at all?

Anonymous said...

have no fear, your faithful blog readers are here...waiting for the posts on the mundane and the exciting.

Anonymous said...

hey, it's not just family members :)
Laura E. (GSP-UVA)...etc etc more letters :)