Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thanksgiving in Iowa

This Thanksgiving, Katie and I visited her brother's Iowa. Since he is a pastor out in the boonies, he can't leave his church during all the significant holidays, when I have time off school, so this was the first chance we had to meet. It was fantastic. We ate, sat around, watched football, and shopped from 12 midnight to 1:30 am on "Friday morning" (late Thursday night). But the most fun was playing with Evelyn (older) and Anna (younger), Katie's nieces. Hilarious pictures ensue:

The costumes were a "Christmas present" from Aunt Gretchen (Katie's sister). Katie shot 178 photos while they yelled "cheese", occasionally got fussy, and pulled on their antennae. It was chaos...but it paid off.

Anna taking a walk in my shoes:

Evelyn and Katie reading a book:

Danny (Katie's brother) and I wanted to try out the costumes. For the sake of sensitive stomachs, I am omitting the picture of Danny in the full get-up*. The costume didn't survive...

Thanksgiving was a great chance to be normal for a second; to be a way from the feeling that I really should be studying instead of _______. Now that I'm back, I realize the difference between school-time and break-time. I can get through the next four weeks, but I really can't wait for Christmas!

*For the record, that photo doesn't physically exist. Yet the image haunts you still! mwahahaha!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great photos! it looks like you guys had a blast. we can't wait to see you and katie at christmas