Saturday, September 02, 2006

So what's all this business about Cinnamon

Eric is worried that our carton of eggs will become culinary hand grenades on Septmber 9 (exp date), so I've been trying to eat them at every opportunity recently. I was looking for something new to put on my eggs this morning - to make them taste a little less like plastic and a little more like...well, food - when in a snap decision I grabbed the cinnamon shaker and *BAM*-ed the eggs, Emeril stlye.

"Cinnamon?" you might say, "What's this guy's problem?" I don't know what came over me either! I don't usually put cicnnamon on anything.

It's just that people keep talking about cinnamon in their diet, and how it decreases heart disease risk, cures cancer...and might even mow your lawn if you ask nicely. I have no idea of the bona fide health benefits and/or risks of a heavy dose of cinnamon on your cereal, but an exhaustive literature review (googled it) leads me to believe there might be something to this one. Link!

Are you getting enough cinnamon in your diet?? This seems the new high point in absurd dietary recommendations. Next thing you know, we're asking "How about my allspice intake? You know, I don't think I'm getting my recommended daily allowance of Mrs. Dash either..."

So, open question: Of the people who read this blog (yes, both of you), has anybody heard this business about cinnamon in the diet? Have you added it to your diet, and/or did your physician recommend doing so?

Maybe it's good for you. Maybe it causes ears to grow out of your back. All I know is that cinnamon on the eggs is REALLY tasty!


Anonymous said...

Whoa. That picture is super freaky. And yes, I have heard of the benefits of cinnamon, although I'm not sure from what source. And I have not taken steps to increase my cinnamon intake, but it looks like it might be a good idea, huh?

Steve said...

Cinnamon is good on french toast, too. Which makes me think of cinnamon toast, mmm. Remember how Rachel used to eat cinnamon toast, like, all the time? I guess she'll live forever.

I think I'm going to go have some cinnamon toast.

Anonymous said...

I dunno about the cinnamon, but I have a suggestion for your eggs. Crack 2 into a Ziploc freezer bag, add whatever you'd put in an omelet, shake it up and seal it then boil it in a pot of water for 7 minutes. Open the bag and enjoy your perfect omelet :-D (just try it!)

Anonymous said...

I must say that all this blogging by anatomy lab groupies has caused me to want to write something online as well. But since I'm too lazy to do the "blog thing" I'll stick with my weekly snarky comments to others' blog entries. As for this week's entry on cinnamon, I leave the commenting to an episode of Seinfeld that I saw today:

CLERK: There's chocolate and there's cinnamon.

JERRY: Well, we've got to get the cinnamon.

ELAINE: No, but they got the chocolate. We'll be going in with a lesser Bobka.

JERRY: I beg your pardon? Cinnamon takes a back seat to no Bobka. People love cinnamon. It should be on tables at restaurants along with salt and pepper. Anytime anyone says, "Oh This is so good. What's in it?" The answer invariably comes back, Cinnamon. Cinnamon. Again and again. Lesser Bobka - I think not.

Thank you and good night.

PS: by the way Mark, I am awaiting your reply to my last comment...

Katie Grouse said...

I never heard ANYTHING about cinnamon being good for you. Although I did hear that if you are an incredibly athletic person, you might need to supplement your cinnamon intake.