Monday, November 13, 2006

Part 1: The Beginning of the End (of the Beginning)

I got up at 10:30 am today... for the fourth day in a row. My significant ventures outside the house have been
  1. Drive to an ATM to deposit a check
  2. Drive to Staples (new pencils & eraser) and get my oil changed
I am - by my count at least - the laziest person I know. And I love it. In all honesty, I have been very busy studying for exams. The first one - anatomy - is in an hour. The next two are on Wed and Fri. The nice thing about studying for exams though is that I never have to actually change out of my pajamas!

I feel a small force trying to compel me to freak out about exams, but I just can't do it. I've been trying to reason it out: I'm an anxious person, I'm quite concerned about school performance, I have a history of freaking out about school (see all things quiz-like), now shouldn't I be a horrible mess right now??

My calm is not because of confidence that I'll do really really well on any of the exams. My performance will probably be average, as usual. I think I feel good, because I actually feel proficient in the subjects being taught to me. Its a really good feeling to flip through Netters (anatomy atlas) and say "Hey, I know the human body with all its tuberosities, foramina, and whathaveyou's*" To all the first years who read this (both of you), as we close this chapter of our med school experience, isn't kind of facinating to think we know anatomy now? I mean, we're not experts ... but we pretty much know it now.

* This of course refers to the inferior scaphonavicular whathaveyou, the integral bone of the nervous system. Ironically, it is found at the tip of your nose (rhino-distally).


Katie Grouse said...

The worst is getting blibbity-blitis on your whathaveyou - I saw it once - it was awful!

In all honesty, though, great post - I completely agree with your sentiments about how cool it is that we have learned all this stuff, regardless of what our scores end up being (as long as we pass, right?).

And furthermore, as of 6:36 pm tuesday night, I have not changed out of my pajamas. I am wondering if I can just keep them going for a second night, but am thinking instead I will get dressed briefly to go get some food. Then new PJs. For form's sake, you know.

Anonymous said...

man! i knew i missed the whathaveyou on the practical...oh well

haha i'm glad that i'm not the only lazy bum in the class. 10:30?? that's pretty good. if i get up before noon on a non-class day i'm happy.

okay back to biochem cramming two hours before the test.